Welcome to Christ Congregational Church!
A rural church is so much more than a church....and we at Christ Congregational seek to expand the definition of church, above and beyond the “traditional” church experience.


     Christ Congregational Church was founded in 1907 by German immigrants from Russia who came to Fort Morgan to work as laborers for the very-intensive sugar beet crops following the building of the Great Western sugar factory in 1906. Their deep religious faith and the hope of transmitting this faith to their children prompted their desire to establish a church in their new homeland where they might worship in their native German language. Not having the financial means to do so, they chose to become a mission church of the Congregational Church which was a denomination that allowed them church autonomy so they could worship as they chose.

​     The thirty-six charter members voted to build the first little church on the east side of the 700 block of Ensign Street, thus making it the first church in Fort Morgan to be built north of Platte Avenue. They named their church “Deutche Evangeliche Congregational Christus Gemeinde” (German Evangelical Congregational Christ Church).

​     By 1916, membership required a much larger church. Plans were made to build the present church and to incorporate the first church into the northeast end of the new building. The cornerstone was laid on October 1, 1916, and the building was dedicated on February 18, 1917.

​     By 1960, worship service was in English with a short five-minute German sermon each Sunday. The Educational Building was added in 1966 with Sunday School classes held in the basement and the kitchen and fellowship area on the main level. In 1983, the south entrance to the church was remodeled to accommodate the handicapped and the elevator was installed.

​     Our mission is to work together in attracting, supporting, educating, and inspiring people in all walks of faith by empowering them with Christian principles to spread God’s word to our community.

​- Courtesy of Mrs. Jo Ostwald